Sports Health Ltd – Specialising in accelerating recovery from injury or surgery with the following products:

Official New Zealand Game Ready distributor

To get the most from your injury or surgery recovery, go with a Game Ready®
For thousands of elite athletes, athletic trainers, team doctors and orthopaedic surgeons, Game Ready® is the number one injury and post-op recovery system. Integrating active cold and compression therapies from head to toe, the non-narcotic Game Ready System has been clinically proven to reduce pain and accelerate natural healing. To maximise recovery, use Game Ready®.
Learn about Game Ready >>Rent a Game Ready >>

New Zealands Kinetec CPM and knee brace distributor

Rent or buy a CPM Machine
Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) Therapy. Experimental investigations in the 1970s provided the scientific basis for CPM treatment using motor-driven exercise equipment. Positive clinical experience, with this exciting therapeutic modality being well received by surgeons, therapists and patients, accelerated its widespread acceptance. Twenty-five years later, advances in technology and the extension of this form of post-surgical rehabilitation therapy to new indications and protocols demonstrate that CPM still plays an integral and significant role in orthopedic recovery. For the patient, it is a valuable and well-tolerated method of rapidly restoring lost joint function, mobility and confidence.
Contact us about CPM >>

Rent or Buy a Melmak Device

The Melmak LIPUS bone healing Device is a convenient, 20 minutes per day, home-based treatment which improves the speed of healing of fresh fractures and non-unions. The Melmak Device delivers a low intensity pulsed ultrasound to the fracture site. The low intensity pulsed ultrasound signal delivers an acoustic pressure wave to the fracture site. This represents a mechanical force, which aims to improve circulation and help with forming new bone. By using the Melmak fracture healing system you may heal faster and return to your normal daily activities sooner.
Learn about Melmak >>Rent a Melmak >>