Game Ready Rentals

Rent a Game Ready

How to rent a Game Ready – New Zealand only

1. Fill out the Rental Booking Request form below. This form is not a commitment and can be cancelled.
2. You will be contacted by a Game Ready Representative from Sports Health Ltd to confirm your details and request further information.
3. A rental form will be sent to you to sign which is the commitment to rent. Rental periods are in blocks of 2 weeks. Each 2 week block costs $368 (Incl GST). This includes the Game Ready control unit and one wrap of your choice. Additional wraps are $92 (Incl GST) extra for each 2 week period.
4. The Game Ready can be couriered anywhere in NZ or picked up from our Albany warehouse.
5. When the rental period is coming to an end we will contact you to either extend the rental period or organise the return.

Game Ready Rental Booking Request